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Create New User
Written by MaterialsZone Support
Updated today

To sign up for the Materials Zone platform, you need to receive an invitation from our support team.
Do the following after you receive an invitation by email to join a specific table on the platform (check your spam folder if you can't find it in your primary inbox):

  • Click on the blue Join Your New Team button in the email.

  • Click on the Sign-Up link at the bottom of the page you've been redirected to.

  • Please write your email address in the Email input field (make sure it's the same address the team, colleague or friend used to invite you) and password in the Password input field. Alternatively, use the Sign-Up With Google option.

  • Check the I Agree With the Materials Zone Terms of Service and Privacy Policy box.

  • Click on the Sign-Up button.

  • Verify your email address, go to the platform, and sign in with your credentials.

If you have any additional questions, contact us through the blue chat box on this page's right side.

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